Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Improving Your Reading and Listening Skills (TOEFL)

Improving Your Reading and Listening Skills (TOEFL)

TOEFL Preparation Tips for Reading Section:
Hasil gambar untuk reading
A. Read English articles: The best way to improve your reading skills is by reading newspapers, magazines, articles etc in English. They help a lot in building your vocabulary
B. Practice grammar: Since the purpose of the exam is to test your vocabulary skills, you should make sure that your knowledge of grammar rules is updated. If you are worried about poor grammar, then the best trick is to practice grammar like you practice mathematics. Work on the preposition, tenses and voices and articles as they form the base of grammar.
C. Practice comprehensions: The reading section is loosely based on comprehension and like in comprehension, you are required to choose and summarize sentences that best describe the passages and the questions asked. In that case, it helps to practice comprehensions. Practicing comprehension will not only help you crack the contents of the exam, it will also make you efficient and fast.
TOEFL Preparation Tips for Listening Section:
Hasil gambar untuk listening
A. Listen to Broadcasts: One of the easy ways to prepare for this test is by listening to discussions and debates on television. Broadcasts over the radio are very helpful as the test will also be along the same lines. An interesting method is to watch English cinema as that is where the conversations are most general and fluent. Of course, you can also watch English documentaries and feature shows.
B. Make notes: Making notes is an important aspect of listening practice. Write down whatever you think is important and always make sure that you understand what you write down.
C. Accent comfort: Build a comfort level with the foreign accent. The accent of native English speakers is usually fast and smooth. It might be difficult for you to grasp the conversation in the beginning but with more listening practice you should be able to enhance your comfort with the language.

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