Selasa, 24 April 2018

Structure and Written Expression Toefl

Structure and Written Expression dalam TOEFL bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan Anda dalam mengidentifikasi bahasa Inggris tulis yang digunakan dalam situasi formal (formal written English). Banyak ekspresi-ekspresi bahasa Inggris yang bisa diterima dalam komunikasi lisan, namun tidak bisa diterima atau tidak lazim digunakan dalam komunikasi tulis, apalagi yang bersifat formal.
Soal Structure and Written Expression terdiri dari dua bagian, struktur kalimat (structure) dan ekspresi bahasa Inggris tulis (written expression). Structure and Written Expression terdiri dari 40 soal, terdiri dari 15 soal structure (nomor 1 sampai dengan 15) dan 25 soal untuk written expression (nomor 16 sampai dengan 40). Waktu untuk mengerjakan 40 soal ini adalah 25 menit.
Pada bagian Structure Anda diharuskan mencari jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat yang dikosongkan. Sedangkan pada bagian Written Expression, Anda diharuskan mencari jawaban yang salah dari kalimat yang digarisbawahi. Berikut ini bentuk contoh soal tes TOEFL Structure and Written Expression.
A. Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure
Directions : Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see for words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to choose one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.

1. One of the major rivers of the western United States, ­­­­ flows for some 1,500 miles from Colorado to northwestern Mexico.
A it is the Colorado River
B the Colorado River which
C and the Colorado River
D the Colorado River

2. In art, the tendency of gouache colors to lighten on drying makes ­­­­ a wide range of pearly or pastel­like effects.
A it is possible
B possible
C possible to be
D it possible the

3. Isabel Bishop was one of many American artists ­­­­ by the government during the Depression years on various federal art projects.
A employed
B whose employment
C to employ
D had been employed

4. Outbreaks of diseases in trees commonly occur ­­­­ stressed because of drought or other environmental factors.
A as forests that become
B in forests become
C that become forests
D when forests become

5. To break thick ice, an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice, ­­­­ under its weight.
A so then breaks
B when breaks it
C which then breaks
D for which then breaks

6. Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system, where ­­­­ compound of myelin.
A it a
B a
C being a
D it is a

7. The committee has met twice and ....
    A. they reached a final decision
    B. a final decision was reached
    C. its decision was reached
    D. it has reached a final decision

8. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because....
    A. he must to give a lecture
    B. he will be giving a lecture
    C. of he will give lecture
    D. he will have giving a lecture

9. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class.
    A. She should study hard last night.
    B. She should have studied hard last night.
    C. She must have studied hard last night.
    D. She had to study hard last night

10. Mother wanted to serve some coffee to my guests; however....
    A. she hadn't many coffee.
    B. there is not a great amount of coffee.
    C. she didn't have my coffee.
    D. she was out of coffee.

11. Having been served lunch,....
    A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
    B. the participants discuss the problems.
    C. it was discussed by the participants.
    D. A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.

12. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and natural gas, and....
    A. Aceh province also.
    B. Aceh province too.
    C. Aceh province is as well.
    D. so does Aceh province.

13. The participants have had some problems deciding....
    A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
    B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.
    C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
    D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.

14. This year will be more difficult for our organization because....
    A. we have less money and volunteers than last year.
    B. there is a little money and volunteers than last year.
    C. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
    D. it has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last year.

15. Professor Baker told his students that...
    A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.
    B. the reports can turn over on Monday.
    C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.
    D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.

B. Contoh Soal TOEFL Written Expression
Directions : In question 16-40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

16. As a new employee, your duties are mailing the correspondence,
      receive phone calls, and calling the members before meeting.
              B                                           C                        D

17. Passengers are able to clearly see the outline of the whole isolated island
             A                            B             C                                        D
      from the air plane.

18. Like others from energy, natural gass may be used to heat homes, run
                  A                                   B                C  
      automobiles, and cook food.

19. Neither of the two candidates who had applied for the Industrial
                   A                                               B
      Engineering Department were  eligible for the scholarship.
                                              C                                  D

20. Having choose the topic for their essays, the students were instructed
                A                                    B                                       C
      to make either a preliminary outline or a rough draff.

21. If he would have lived a little longer, he probably would have won
                      A                        B                   C                          D
      the presidential election.

22. Despite the increase in airfares in Indonesia during the monetary crisis,
          A                               B                                             C
      most people still prefer travel by air.

23. This tea pot has the same design, but it is different shaped from that one.
                                      A                                B          C                 D

24. Voslov Nijinsky achieved world recognition at both dancer and
                                   A                  B                C       D
      a choreographer.

25. After the runner had run for a half mile, he had passed the stick
                                  A                 B                      C
     to the next runner.

26. The prices of cars are as high that most people can not afford to buy them.
            A                        B                     C                    D
27. If you buy one box at the regular price, you would receive
                  A                           B                            C
another one at no extra cost.

28. Located 
in the cranial cavity in the skull, the brain is the larger
                 A                                                                       B
      mass of 
nerve tissue in the human body.
                          C                            D

29. Professor Duncan recommended that we 
are present at the reception
                                                                   A                       B
      this afternoon 
in order to meet the representatives from the Ford Foundation.
                                   C                                 D

There have been little change in the patient's condition since she was
                 A                      B                            C
      moved to the
 intensive care unit.

* Answers
A. Structure
1.D      11.B
2. B     12.D
3.A      13.A
4.D      14.C
5.C      15.C

B. Written Expressions

16.B    30.A

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